‘Improve “Care for the Elderly” and “Care for the Advanced Diseases” in Hong Kong’ was sent to the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office on 31 Aug 2019.
Main recommendations from FMSHK
It is highly recommended that government should formulate a central policy with strategic directions for better preparation with enhancement of care for the aged and for the dying, to face the increasing prevalence and demand from advanced diseases in an ageing society. Elderly Care Policy and End of Life Care Policy are warranted.
Care in the community for elderly and those with advanced diseases need to be developed. Home health care outreach support is inadequate for those living at own homes. Day Care and Residential Care Home services are insufficient with variable quality. Community hospice and palliative facilities are insufficient. There is no provision of hospitals for older people.
Elderly-friendly accommodation/retirement/settlement villages should be developed, to promote ageing in place of choice at community. Smart City concept needs to be implemented for elderly and those with disability. City and town planning and procedures should be in concordance.
Public-private-partnership should be more actively supported by government. Initiatives should be offered to private sector to share the medical and social care of our older population, especially those with advanced and palliative conditions.
There should be more co-ordination of the NGOs in working towards the elderly and people with advanced diseases, to minimiseduplication and inefficient use of resources.
Provision and extension of current rehabilitation facilities in community to cover not just mentally handicapped, but wide range of disabilities including stroke, Parkinson’s, degenerative musculoskeletal conditions etc. Government should facilitate and support collaborative initiatives for development of centresites and services.
Outreach support should be strengthened to enable dying at a place of choice. Barriers to dying at home should be minimised.
More education and empowerment for elderly and people with advanced diseases. Advance Directive should be legalised.
Elderly Care Vouchers should be stepped up and reinforced. Palliative Care Vouchers should be introduced. Both should be made available for services in Hong Kong and in Bay Area.
Health insurances schemes from both government and industry to cover more elderly conditions and encourage public to plan for their future health care expenditure needs.