Driving Talk
On Friday, 19 March 2010, the Federation was honoured to have invited Dr. HKMONG, Chairman of the Institute of Advanced Motorists Hong Kong and Mr.Stephen HUNG, Chairman of the Criminal Law and Procedure Committee of theLaw Society of Hong Kong to deliver a talk on Safe, Smart & Advanced Drivingand Non-compliance & Consequences.
The talk was well attended by medicalprofessionals and lawyers. The two speakers shared their precious experiencewith the participants on the topics and addressed their hot questions.The talk finished with a lucky draw in which Lexus sponsored a pair ofgentlemen and ladies watches, and National Australia Bank sponsored an iPodand 4 concert tickets. The Federation was also thankful to Lexus and NationalAustralia Bank's sponsorship for a delicious refreshment at the event andsouvenirs for the speakers and participants. Everyone had a fruitful eveningwith information attained from the talk and souvenirs from our sponsors.
We are delighted to announce that a Test Drive will be held in July to put thetheories into practice.
