According to the Memorandum and Articles, there are altogether four types of membership within the Federation: Founder, Ordinary, Associate and Student Members. Medical Societies are welcome to join the Federation if they meet the following requirements:
I) Ordinary Members
Category A -
Medical societies registered in Hong Kong whose voting members shall consist entirely of registered medical practitioners in Hong Kong SAR.
Category B -
Medical societies registered in Hong Kong the majority of whose voting members shall consist of registered medical practitioners in Hong Kong SAR.
Category C -
Dental societies registered in Hong Kong the majority of whose members shall consist of dentists registered in Hong Kong SAR under the provisions of the Dentists Registration Ordinance (Cap. 156 Laws of Hong Kong).
Category D -
Hong Kong registered local chapter of overseas medical societies the majority of whose members shall consist of registered medical practitioners in Hong Kong SAR.
Category E |
Dental societies registered in Hong Kong whose voting members shall consist entirely of dentists registered in Hong Kong SAR under the provisions of the Dentists Registration Ordinance (Cap. 156, Laws of Hong Kong). |
II) Associate Members
Health societies and societies of professions supplementary to medicine.
Medical societies registered in Hong Kong in which the majority of their voting members are (i) not registered medical practitioners; or (ii) medical practitioners with limited registration pursuant to Section 14A of the Medical Registration Ordinance or temporary registration pursuant to Section 14B of the Medical Registration Ordinance.
Dental societies registered in Hong Kong in which the majority of their voting members are not registered dental practitioners.
Societies composed mainly of registered medical practitioners, registered dental practitioners or professions supplementary to medicine whose main objectives are not related to the advancement of medicine, dentistry or professions supplementary to medicine. Provided always that the societies as referred to in this sub-paragraph who have already joined the Federation as Associate Members shall at their own discretion apply to change its status of membership.
Societies whose members' professional status is recognized and assured by a government registration body, or is represented within public service such as the Hospital Authority, Department of Health and medical/health academic institutions.
(III) Student Members
Student unions or societies of medical and health professions which are officially recognised by their respective universities and tertiary education institutions funded by the University Grants Committee appointed by the Chief Executive of the hong Kong SAR shall be eligible to apply to become "Studennt Members" of the Federation.
(b) |
Student Members shall be entitled to attend as observers at all general meetings of the Federation but they shall not be entitled to vote at such meetings and shall have no executive power or function. |
The annual subscription payable by each Member of the Federation shall be such as the Executive Committee shall from time to time recommend to the Federation for the members’ approval at the Annual General Meeting.
Download Membership Application Form - Ordinary / Associate Membership
Download Membership Application Form - Student Membership
Membership Subscription Fees
Office Bearers Update Form