“Family Cohesion-Caring for the Younger Generation” Symposium
On 13 December 2014, a symposium on Family Cohesion-Caring for the Younger Generation was held at the Lecture Hall, FMSHK Office. The symposium was well attended by doctors, nurses, social workers and educational professionals. We were glad to have Department of Health, and Committee on Home-School Co-operation to be our supporting organisations.
The Federation is honored to haveDr. Constance Hon-yee CHAN, Director of Health to deliver the opening remarks and Ms. Carol YIP, Director of Social Welfare as distinguished guest. We are privileged to invite three speakers, Dr HUNG Se-fong, Clinical Professor(Honorary), Department of Psychiatry of CUHK to deliver a talk on “Emotional Problems of Children and Adolescents; Dr Amos CY CHEUNG, Clinical Psychologist of Kwai Chung Hospital (Psycho-geriatric) to deliver a talk on “Resolving Family Conflict”; Mr James LAM, Principal of Lions College cum Chairman of the Hong Kong Subsidized Schools Councils to deliver a talk on “Students have any pressure; how they cope with pressure?”. We are glad to have Dr. CHOW Chun Bong and Dr. Ephraem TSUI to be our moderators. The symposium was ended fruitfully with active questioning from participants. The Federation looks forward to organise further educational activities on issues and concerns raised from the communityin the near future.
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